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How To Clean Floors Like A Pro

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We all wish for a healthy lifestyle and it starts with your toe. A clean floor wouldn’t just keep your toes clean, it also eliminates the bacteria and other unhealthy molecules to provide a risk-free home environment. But it’s something easy to say but hard to do, especially when you need to break out the knee pads and scrub brushes on the floor to get a shining floor. Right? Absolutely wrong. With devices like steam mop and vacuums, it is a lot easier task to do. Perhaps you have not mastered the skill of cleaning floors yet. To become a proof cleaning floors, just follow these easy tricks. You can get some more tricks on EMAB Cleaning Services

Vacuum once a week – Vacuum is important. Although it does not clean the floor to the extreme level, a good vacuum cleaner can uninstall the dirt from your floor making it smoother to walk with your shoes off.

Don’t use shoes inside – Make this policy of no shoes allowed inside your house. It’s your home, not a government hospital. Shoes carry dirt and other molecules from many miles. Keeping your shoes in an outside stand can help you stop adding extra layers of pollution in your floors.

Know about your floor – It is important to learn what type of floor you have so that you don’t use an incorrect way of polishing your floor and end up ruining it. For example, if you have a cork floor, don’t use water as it is susceptible to water damage. Instead, use a vinegar solution after using the vacuum. And you can end with a steam mop cleaning.  When it comes to cleaning and mopping floors made of tile, steam mops are generally recommended because they’re able to loosen the dirt that can get stuck within the grout. If you have vinyl floors, you should use recommended floor cleaner to avoid any damage.

Don’t let the spills to heel – Mop up spills right away!! No matter it is just milk or your Starbuck (sorry for the waste), clean it right away for no color stain on your floor. Stains also contribute to mold growth and bacterial deposit. So wrap it up quickly.

Always sweep – I know, sweeping is a hassle. But it takes you just half an hour’s effort for having a clean floor for a week. Sweeping picks up hairs, crumbs, loose dirt or dust which is hard to detect for steam mops.

Use your steam mop to clean it all – However, it is interesting to note that many people still prefer traditional floor cleaning tactics than mopping (use of steam mops). It’s always good to follow tradition, but a little advancement doesn’t harm you much. And when it comes to mopping, it is significantly better.

Why is Steam Mops a good choice?

  • Steam mops have quickly gained popularity because of few of its advantages.
  • It is a lot easier to use than traditional cleaning techniques.
  • Steam mops kill the bacteria and germs on your floor.
  • There’s no chemical attached. Steam mops remove dirt particles from the floor using hot steam. So you don’t need to sweep your floor with strong chemicals that come with that irritating smell.
  • Steam mops leave less water on the floor that makes it dry faster.

So firstly congratulation for reading your manual of becoming a pro floor cleaner. Grab your vacuum, put off the shoes and start your steam mop. Because a healthy floor is the pillar of a healthy home. Check out Best Steam Mops: Review by TheHouseWire



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