How Much Sleep Do You Need? Sleep Cycles Explained.
Getting the right amount of sleep every night isn’t as much of a priority as it used to be. Many of us have busy schedules that keep us from getting the relaxation and rest our body and mind needs to function healthy. How much sleep we need varies depending on our age and amount of physical activity. A lack of rest can have a negative impact on our diet, energy level, ability to concentrate and can cause mood inconsistencies. Constant fatigue can also change how well we function with other people. By learning more about sleep cycles and our own bodies we can apply this knowledge to our personal lives and in turn improve how we feel.
What are the Recommended Hours of Sleep?
Adults who sleep between 6-8 hours every night tend to feel the most stable and focused in their day to day lives. By getting enough sleep it decreases risk toward disease and prevents obesity. Note that getting too much sleep can also have a negative effect on the body – causing mood swings, hormonal imbalances and laziness.
There are many people who spend hours in bed tossing and turning. Just because you are getting ‘light sleep’ it doesn’t mean that your body is going through the appropriate sleep cycles. It’s a good idea not to lie in bed (watching TV, working on the computer, reading etc.) during the day because it can offset your biological clock. By only using a bed to sleep in your body will grow accustomed to drowsiness. Try to sit somewhere else or work at a desktop instead of relaxing where you sleep.
The Power of Sleep Cycles
The internal sleep cycle, known as your biological clock, is regulated by the brain. It makes sense that taking care of your health during the day would promote circadian rhythm and produce more melatonin at night which helps promotes sleep. There are a lot of things that can disrupt this internal clock and rhythm such as travel, irregular work shifts, unhealthy eating or a lack of exercise. There are many things that can affect the production of melatonin as well, such as not getting enough sunlight during the day. Too much artificial light may also keep you up late at night.
There are many people who lie in bed for hours without getting “deep sleep.” Our bodies need to go through this stage of sleep because it is when it repairs itself. It helps fight off bacteria and disease and it’s especially important for children since their bodies are still developing. If you are constantly being woken up throughout the night or you have bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking it can keep you from going through the vital sleep cycles. By improving your diet and releasing physical energy through exercise you can sleep better for the given amount of hours that you are able to sleep so that you wake up feeling well-rested.
Robert J Hudson is a founder of, passionate nutritionist and personal trainer. Over the years he has shared his experience by writing for many different health and fitness magazines, blogs and review websites. Connect with him on Google+.