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Home & Garden

House Hoarder No More! How to Get Rid of Junk

It seems to happen every couple of years to all of us. We suddenly find ourselves looking around the house and wondering “where did all this junk come from?”

Don’t feel bad, it literally happens to just about everyone. We are all accumulators, we see stuff we want and we buy it. However, we never actually get rid of the old stuff, we just hang on to it like it’s an old family member. Just consider the fact that studies show that most people only wear 50% of their wardrobe!

While the sentiment is important, you do know when to cut the cord. You need to know how to get rid of junk!

If you’ve got stuff piling up, take a second for a quick guide on how to ditch it!

Instead, take a more rational approach to declutter your house. Check out all the ways you can learn how to get rid of junk!

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1. Garage Sale

Old fashioned? Perhaps, but people still love going to garage sales! There’s something about driving around neighborhoods and buying other peoples junk that we really enjoy.

While there are definitely some good finds out there, most of what people buy is junk they’ll rarely use, if ever. However, that bodes well for you! A garage sale is a great answer for how to get rid of junk.

2. Online Sales

If you don’t feel like hauling all of your stuff out onto the lawn, you could also look to online sales for how to get rid of junk.

You can use social media platforms such as Facebook to shout out to all of your friends what you’re selling. Additionally, you can ask them to share it with their friends as well.

Alternatively, Facebook has online sales pages, which are available to the public based on your area. You can post your stuff there, where people specifically go to find stuff for sale!

3. Rubbish Removal Services

If you don’t feel like selling your stuff or just know it’s worthless, you can also hire a rubbish removal service. Most of these companies work extremely fast and make decluttering your home a breeze.

This is especially helpful for how to get rid of junk too big for the regular garbage bins. This page from Dirt Cheap Rubbish Removal explains the process!

4. Donate 

Finally, and perhaps one of the best options, you could choose to donate your stuff. However, don’t just throw everything in a bag or box and hoist it onto a donation center. Make sure what you’re donating isn’t unusable junk.

For example, learning how to get rid of junk doesn’t mean donating old socks and underwear riddled with holes, cracked dishes, broken electronics, etc.

That’s How to Get Rid of Junk

Finally, now that you’re on this path of learning how to get rid of junk, remember to detach yourself emotionally.

Be ruthless as you start going through all of your old stuff. If you don’t love it or need it, it’s got to go. Your house is cluttered for a reason, learn to let go!

For more tips and advice, check out the articles in our Lifestyle blog!



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