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Is Your Home Safe Enough For Your Kids?

This is a question that every parent should be asking but that very few do. We just assume that our homes are safe. We think if we live in a safe area, we can trust that no one will ever try to break into our homes. We think that accidents aren’t going to happen to little ones without precautions in place. We think that we can trust older kids to look after themselves. But the fact is that none of this is true. It’s time parents started to be more vigilant when protecting their families.

General Security


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You should have general security features for your home and we’re not talking about a lock on the door. We think there should be more elaborate and extensive security features in place. In particular, we suggest that you look into the latest tech available for home security. If you check out a company like ADT security, you’ll find they offer incredible tech to keep your home safe. Wireless security can be set up around the home to ensure every part of it is protected. You can get motion sensors installed on your property to make sure you know when and if someone is trespassing.

As well as that, you may want to look into the latest forms of smart security. Smart locks on doors are well worth thinking about. They provide an extra layer of tech security for your home. Smart locks are a lot more difficult to break into than home typical locks.

But at the very least, you should have an alarm on your home. This will tell you if there is a break-in, giving you time to prepare and protect your family.

Younger Children


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If you have younger children, you should have security and safety features all over the house. One example is a stair gate. Not all parents bother with a feature like this when they have young children. If a child falls down the stairs they could get seriously injured. It’s worth having a gate like this up until they are old enough to walk down stairs safely by themselves. Other features to think about are plug covers and safety locks on cupboards. It’s human nature to believe that it’s never going to happen to your family. But young children will explore everywhere with their tiny hands. If they get somewhere they shouldn’t, the results could be fatal.

Older Children


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Older children will be exploring the world in a different way. They’ll start to adventure online. Parents are still underestimating just how dangerous the internet can be for anyone under the age of sixteen. We’re not just talking about strangers talking to your children either. There is the issue of cyberbullying as well as what can only be described as cult self- harm groups. You must make sure that you are monitoring what your children are doing online. Or at the very least, ensuring they know all the dangers and how to avoid them.


We’ve covered a wide range of different safety and security features in your home. But that’s the point. The dangers to your home and your family come from various sources. You need to make sure they are fully protected.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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