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Hears what I found out about assisted living facilities when I was researching!

Photo1_11Its been about two weeks from today that I have been researching assisted living  facilities, Wow I never knew so much played into finding the right facility for my elderly grandmother. Now that she has moved closer to us I wanted to make sure I did my research in trying to find exactly what I thought would be a good retirement facility but boy there’s a lot of facilities to select from and a lot to learn.

I really wasn’t sure as to what I was looking for and nor was my family, we all were a little confused as to what was needed for her! So I thought to myself  just take a few hours out of my day to research and find out a few things about assisted living that might be able to help us decide.

First if you didn’t know what assisted living is just let me shine a little light on this subject for you: It is a facility for seniors when they can no longer live independently!

I found out so much while researching :

1) Location is very important,

2) Each assisted living facility has different criteria requirements,

3) Every senior should have a proper hands on assessment,

4)  Make sure staff and facility are capable to handle each elder residents needs, (physical and medical)

5) Making sure which  medical care is best for each elderly resident so they can have the best quality of life,

6) Checking and monitoring your love ones monthly bills and one more thing accessing each aging parents condition to see if they will need extra nursing or aide care!

 So you see there is a lot more to just placing your elderly loved one into an assisted living facility, the best thing to do is to take all that information and more into consideration when discussing as to which assisted living facility is best for your parents! I know its not going to be an easy transition but at least the information above can give you some insight!



Disclosure: I was compensated for this post, however all opinions expressed  are 100% my own.



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