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Happy Holidays from Toys "R" US toy review!!

When you think of Toys “R” US, you can’t help but think of their theme song. 
♫ I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a Toys R’ Us kid.

                                           A million toys to choose from, that I can play with. ♬
                                                  ♪ From bikes to trikes and video games,
                                                  its the biggest toy store there is. GEE WIZ!
                                                ♫ I don’t wanna grow up, cuz baby if I did….
                                                  I wouldn’t be a toys r’ us kid! ♫ ♬♩♪♪….

I can’t help it and I’m sure I’m not alone but when I hear their commercial it just puts a smile on my face and the kid in me really shines.
They have been the number one leading toy store for toys, educational toys, baby products, and more.When you walk into their store you’re sure to find something that will make any child happy.

This year Toy “R” US has some great toys to share this Holiday Season. I received these items for review.

The Rubik’s Soft Cube, it just right for kids ages 3yrs. and up. Its a great toy to help with  your child’s motor skills and will also help to simulate the child’s mind with recognizing colors. It  is very soft and easy to move around. The great thing about this toy is no loose parts, so no need to worry about choking hazards. It’s compact and idea for on-the-go play. I’m sure once your child picks it up it will be very hard for them to put down. They will be too intrigued plus this cool Rubik’s Soft Cube offers hours of fun.

 So don’t forget to add this to your children’s Holiday gift list!

Oh, the fun of having a Micro Charger Time Track
Clear the floor and lets’ get ready to have some fun!!
MICRO CHARGERS TIME TRACK: Equipped with four lane chargers, the Time Track lets kids load their micro racer into a lane, launch their car, and race their opponents to the finish line using the timer mechanism to see real time results of their races!
Now what boy wouldn’t like to have this under his tree this Holiday, I know my boys would!!

Here is my last review and man the Blingles  is sure to bling any kids item, bling your school bags, phones, shoes, clothes and more! Blingles is designed to stick to almost anything  and lets’ you customized and bling your stuff to life! It’s a girls dream product to sparkle and shine their accessories. :0)

The Blingles Bling Studio is a all-in-one station with more than 300 gems. The Blingles Bling Studio comes with a gem pen, transfer slides, and a glue roll, so that you can make your own designs or use the pre-set patterns to decorate and personalize up to 10 designs. Popular accessories for “blinging” include stationery, cell phones, mp3 players and more. Each jeweled sticker you make can adhere to any smooth hard surface.

So you see Toys “R” US has something for every kid and remember, you don’t have to grow up you can always be a Toys “R” US Kid!!!

Visit you local Toys “R” US retail stores to find all the items listed above and more for this Holiday Season!

All toys listed above will be donated to a child this Holiday Season, Thanks Toy’s “R” US!!

Disclaimer Statement

I received one or more of the products mentioned above from Toys “R” US at no charge for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are 100% my own and were not influenced by any other source. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

14 thoughts on “Happy Holidays from Toys "R" US toy review!!

  • I haven’t had to shop at Toys R Us for years–but back when I used to go there for every kind of children’s gift–birthdays, holidays etc. They always seem to have everything you could want–or the kids could want!

  • The Rubik’s soft cube looks like something my son would love. He adores puzzles so this should be a good fit. I’m putting it on his list.

    Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired

  • My son loves puzzles so I’ll have to put the Rubik’s soft cube on his list. I think he’d love it!

    Tesa @ 2 Wired Tired

  • My preschool class would love that soft Rubik’s cube! I need to check that out for sure! Great review.

  • That Micro Charger Time Track looks awesome! I’m actually headed to ToysrUS this week! I will have to see if I can find it.

  • Great toys! I haven’t even STARTED Christmas shopping yet (I know, I know), so I’m looking for good ideas.

  • I so love that Toys r us song and their giraffe! I always sing it every time their commercial comes on. Makes me want to be a kid again. On another note, my girls loved the blingles set. Definitely a great product to go out and grab this Christmas. I bet my nephew would love those Micro chargers too. Looks like a lot of fun. I will be looking for them when I head to the Toys r us around my way. Pretty awesome review if you ask me! Thanks!!

  • My son is in heaven in Toys R Us! I’m going to have to check these out for Christmas! Thanks for sharing!

  • My kids would love several of those toys!

  • HAHA I so love that tune.. now it’ll be stuck in my head all day! That micro charger time track would be a great gift for my step son and shh.. don’t tell but since I don’t want to grow up.. the blingles would make a great gift for me! I’ll have to check them out at Toys R Us.. any excuse to go there is good for me! =]

  • My boys would love that track.

  • My boys would love that track.

  • I’m going to have to look into the soft Rubik’s cube for my son.


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