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Happy Father’s Day from VTech Audio/Video Doorbell!

I was not compensated for this post, however I did receive a product sample from VTech for purpose of review, all opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own.

Happy Father’s Day from VTech! This Father’s Day give Dad the new awesome

VTech video doorbell answering system

VTech IS7121-2 Series, its a Video Doorbell plus Phone system. I tell you theses new gadgets  are becoming more and more awesome these days. What Dad wouldn’t want the latest gizmo/gadgets for his home especially if the gadgets can serve multiple purposes like the VTech IS7121-2.

I’m just amazed as to how technology has changed over the years, you have laptops, ipads, iphones, kitchen gadgets that will cook you a whole meal now a phone system with a video doorbell….WOW!

What’s next space ships?  I wouldn’t rule it out since the times in which we are living in today shows that technology is way beyond any thing we could have ever imagined. Just look at this new VTech IS7121-2 Video Doorbell. Really, who would have even thought such a thing would be created……not me!

This VTech SI7121-2 Video Doorbell is amazing and here’s why. This new system allows you to see who is at your door without ever having to skip a beat in what your doing. You don’t even have to move from your seat.


Just say your seating on your couch or maybe your in the kitchen cooking and someone is ringing your door bell. Well this cool VTech IS7121-2 digital camera/phone can and will send you a digital picture to your handset as to whom is at the door. That’s right a digital picture will show up right on your handset.

One things for sure, you have complete control as to activating the video from your phone system. Once video is activated this will allow you to see whomever your visitor may be or you can enable live audio and speak with your visitor without the worry of opening your door….Cool right!

There is more, have you ever wondered if you had any visitors while you were away from home? Well the VTech IS7121-2 has a built-in visitor photo log that logs everyone who paid your home a visit while you were away.

Each handset has a 1.8-inch full LCD color screen, no more missing any visitors or no matter where you are in the house you will be able to see who is at your door with the 1.8 inch LCD screen.

The level of security from this VTech IS1721-2 is extremely beneficial. Even at night the homeowner can discretely monitor their visitors with the automatic phones night vision capability. You can monitor throughout the day and night. No more running to the door, just grab your handset and activate the video and Viola you will know right off hand who’s at your door.

Its so easy to install, Dad will surely have it installed within minutes. All Dad has to do is mount to doorbell panel or frame which will replace your old doorbell. This model is battery operated and wireless which makes it even better. I’m sure it will take a little more to install but I know from the way the instructions read the installation will be quick.

 The multi- function features to this high tech VTech IS 7121-2 phone is just “Awesome”! Just remember it is not only a system that keeps your family safe with its cool video doorbell technology but it has a voice announce caller ID, a digital answering system, HD quality sound , a buttom to talk between home headsets just like a walkie- talkie system and every conversation is loud and clear.

There is nothing Dad can say but Wow, Thanks! He will be so happy knowing that when he’s off to work or on a business trip the VTech IS 7121-2 will be keeping his family safe.

                           So Happy Father’s Day Dad from VTech!

You can learn more about the VTech IS 7121-2 video doorbell/phone system here:

I was not compensated for this post, however I did receive a product sample from VTech for purpose of review, all opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

5 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day from VTech Audio/Video Doorbell!

  • That is such a cool device! My husband is a gadget junkie and would love that as a gift.

  • This is definitely a great gift for a “geek Dad”! I’m going to pin it to my Geek Gifts for Dad pinterest board.

  • I have never heard of this gadget but I love it! It would be so handy and a great safety feature to have in your home. My husband works a lot of nights, so there are many times that myself and the kids are home alone. This would give me some added peace of mind. I will definitely look into this.


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