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How to get the best out of your wedding catering budget

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There are several ways that you are going to be able to get the best out of your wedding catering budget.


The first way is to maximize your per guest budget by minimizing the count of guests. This just means that you are going to need to control the amount of guests that you are going to have at your wedding. This is because the amount of guests that you have at your wedding is going to indicate how expensive your wedding is going to be. Therefore, if you are on a budget, you might want to stick to family and friends.


The second way to help your wedding catering budget is to nix the china in favor of plastic ware like the disposable mini dishes. The plastic ware like the disposable mini dishes are one of the best ways that you are going to be able to save a lot of money on your budget. But this can also include the forks, knives, and spoons. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about cleaning all of these dishes at the end of the night. In fact, all you have to do is to throw them away after the wedding.


The third way is to only decorate the areas of the wedding that is going to get the most attention. You want to make sure that the catering tables are going to be decorated well. This means that the food is going to need to be presented well to make sure that all of the food is going to look as good as possible. This is one of the main reasons why you should make sure that you are using a professional catering company because they know how to make sure the food looks good.


The fourth way is to consider the time of the day and theme of your reception before settling your wedding order with the caterer. This means that you don’t need to serve the food at dinner time because this is when the catering companies are going to charge you the most money. It is better to plan it where you are going to eat around 2. This is because you will be able to serve your guests appetizers. After 5, most of the guests are going to expect you to serve them a full meal which is very pricey.


The fifth way to get the most out of the wedding catering budget is if you are thinking about serving alcohol at your wedding, then you are going to need to buy it yourself. This is the best way that you are going to be able to save on the major premium costs that the catering companies are going to charge you. This means that you are just going to have a few signature drinks at the wedding. But if you are really on a budget, then you can just leave the alcohol out of the wedding period.



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