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Frequently Asked Questions About B2B Tour Operators

Working as a travel agent is definitely a very creative occupation, without this meaning that you are not called to face challenges or invent high-demanding solutions, in order to correspond in the best way possible to every client’s needs and requirements. 

Therefore, and as you’ll see your client list growing and most probably so will do their specific demanding’s, it’s important to form and establish a group of partners, that will provide touristic services of any kind (transportation, accommodation, activities), and will in fact massively facilitate the planning procedure, allowing you to contrate on the direct relationship with your clients. 

This intermediary, taking care of particular aspects of a trip, which they address to you, to in turn form the final product provided to individuals, are called B2B tour operators.
In order to make things clearer, we have listed below some of the most common questions, accompanied with their answers, related to the services such a kind of operator is in charge of.

  • What kind of services can they offer to me?

In general, choosing to collaborate with a b2b tour operator, as long as your decision has been made after careful investigation, could only be beneficial.
They will hand you completed offers for hotels and other resorts, unique transportation offers (flights, buses, car rentals) as well as the ability to modify them according to the needs of the client. You will be able to correspond to a wider range of requests, without necessarily being a master of the kind, such as conferences, seminars, team-building events, and corporate retreats.
The operator is in fact your greatest support, making it possible for you to provide both top-quality packages and budget friendly choices, according to the occasional demand.  They will consult you on various destinations, including the local attractions, culinary options and cultural experiences.

  • Can you explain more specifically the exact benefit?

According to what is mentioned above, the in-depth knowledge and expertise of a tour operator, along with the specific established partnerships with suppliers of all kinds, are highly time-saving for you. Also, if we take into account that the amount of time saved, can be consumed on something more crucial for the development of your own business that will potentially increase your income, it wouldn’t be weird to characterize it as a money-saving collaboration, too. 

  • Which factors are determining for choosing the right one?

Even though the business relationship between a travel agent and a b2b tour operator can be described as one of the most prosperous ones, and a determinant key-action towards success, it is impossible for this to happen if some specific factors are not fulfilled and some aspects of them both are not aligned. Therefore, before confirming the partnership, you should at first reassure their good reputation on the market, collecting reviews and testimonials from other clients. Additionally, you should verify they are specialized exactly on the type of services that you are interested in (corporate travel, incentive trips, destination-specific expertise) and finally, that they will not act with the aim of harming your business’s well-being (e.g. hidden costs).


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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