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Four Top Tips for Writing a Descriptive Essay

One of the hardest things for college students, typically first-year students, is essay writing. Most students struggle with writing because there are so many different types of essays. They simply don’t know where to start. A great way to get around trying to figure out the differences in the types of essays required is to use an essay writing service. For those who want to tackle the task themselves, here are some of our best tips for writing a descriptive essay, which is not to be confused with a narrative essay.

  1. Understand the Difference Between Descriptive and Narrative Essays

A narrative essay is intended to present a comprehensive story, whereas a descriptive essay offers a detailed description of a certain location, item, or concept. Both narrative and descriptive essays enable you to write more imaginatively and personally than other types of essays, and both need similar writing abilities.

  1. Come up with Your Topic

When coming up with a topic for a descriptive essay, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, choose something interesting, not only for the person who is writing the paper but also interesting for the person reading it. The topic needs to be something that will grab the reader’s attention and be easy to understand. Choosing a topic that is too technical may cause readers to lose interest before making it very far into the paper. These essays only cover a single object, whether it’s a person, emotion, or place. Students can employ the use of an essay writing service to help with topic ideas.

  1. Work on the Introduction

With a descriptive essay, the introduction introduces the reader to the topic and is used to grab their attention. Start the introduction with something strong to grab their full attention. In grabbing the readers’ attention, the writer also needs to give them a brief overview of what will be described. Many writers use the introduction as the best place to give a quick background. The best introductions summarize the topics using all five senses for description purposes. The introduction doesn’t give away all of the details.

  1. Writing the Body

Here is where the writer needs to use descriptive language to get the readers to understand what they are feeling. This is where writers scribe what is going on so that they grab the reader’s full attention. Some of the best ways to do this include using adjectives that stand out and aren’t overused. Don’t use formal or academic writing styles with a descriptive essay. Make proper use of similes and metaphors. Writers can also include comparisons to get their points across. 

Descriptive essays are one of the few essays that allow writers to include their personal feelings or emotions. The more detail a writer can put into the essay, the better the chances of connecting with the reader. Using feelings and emotions about the event taking place draws the reader in and makes them feel as if they were there. 



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