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Food Processor vs. Blender: Which Is Better When Dieting?

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The juicing industry has taken many by a storm. It is estimated to be a multibillion-dollar industry. However, the health implications of these juices are unknown to many. It is a fact, fruits have nutritional value and science has proven that.

No doubt, nutritional experts recommend a daily consumption of 1 ½ – 2 cups of fruits. Such intake of fruits helps in reducing cardiovascular diseases. It also helps in regulating the body weight.

Studies show that this is not the trend among many. Juicing and blending can help make it easier to get the needed amount of fruits in the body. So, what’s the difference between the two?


Difference between Juicing and Blending

Juicing involves the removal of all fibrous parts of the fruit leaving only the liquid. It is the opposite of blending vegetables and fruits. In Blending, the resultant product is rich in pulp and fiber. And this is where we can draw the nutritional distinction between the two.

1. Nutrition value

The inside of a fruit contains more vitamins and minerals than its outside. However, juices do not have fibers and pulp you would get from blended fruits or vegetables. Using the best blender food processor combo https://kitchenvarieties.com/best-blender-food-processor-combo/ will get you a smooth blend of fruits and vegetables anytime you desire a nutrition boost.

2. Fiber Content

Juices contain a minimal amount of fiber and this is not healthy. Fibers are categorized as either soluble or insoluble. Both soluble and insoluble fibers play a very important role in digestion. A water-soluble fiber helps in regulating the body sugar while the insoluble ones add bulk to the stool. The bulkiness of the stool helps it in moving down the alimentary canal without stress.

3. Antioxidants

Fruits and vegetable pulps also contain antioxidants. The pulp has a higher concentration of phytochemicals. Some of these phytochemicals have potent anti-cancer properties. Blended vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants compared to juiced ones. This is according to a study conducted in 2012.

4. Digestion

It is argued that the body digests juices faster than a smoothie. As a result of the fiber contained in smoothies, it takes longer for the body to digest. Juices don’t contain the fiber of the fruits and vegetable which allows for easy digestion and absorption of the nutrients.

5. Sugar

Juiced and blended fruits/vegetables have the potential of raising the blood sugar. But, the effect of juices is more rapid and dramatic compared to smoothies. In a smoothie, the fiber and pulp increase the content of the drink. This limits its calorie intake. While for juice, it will take several volumes of juices before one feels satisfied. Some juices contain preservatives and sweeteners like sugar.

Both juicing and blending have nutritional value. Nutritional benefits of blending surpass that of juicing. Blended fruits and vegetables have a higher concentration of nutrients. It is important in dieting as it reduces large intake of calories.

Blending ensures that you get everything in vegetables and fruits. Do not miss out on the nutritional value of smoothies. Despite the discussed benefits above, don’t forget to watch on its sugar. More so, if your intention is to shed that extra pound of weight.




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