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Beauty & Fashion

Effortless Beauty Tips for New Moms

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Being a new mom is certainly a joyous period, but it’s also a very busy one since you’re constantly looking after your baby. As a new mom, you barely get enough sleep as it is, and making an effort to look good slides down your list of priorities. 

However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Here are some beauty hacks you can try to spruce yourself up with little effort.

  • Set a nighttime routine.

For new moms, mornings can get very busy, and it’s difficult to fit in the beauty regimen you usually start your day with. You can switch things up and do your skincare regimen at night, instead. You can also schedule a shower at night instead of in the morning. This actually comes with its own set of benefits, like more manageable and healthier hair the next day since you have time to let it dry naturally. It also facilitates better absorption of your skincare products since your skin is more relaxed at night and isn’t exposed to the elements.

  • Prepare your outfit beforehand.

It can be harder to decide what to wear in the morning when you’re already attending to so many things at once. Laying out your clothes beforehand makes this one less thing to worry about and at the same time ensures that your outfit isn’t thrown together at the last minute.

  • Try spray-on hair products.

Fixing up your hair can be a challenge, especially when you’re pressed for time. Fortunately, there are hair products you can use to give yourself a quick fix that stays throughout the day. If you want to get that effortlessly beautiful, tousled beach look, try using a sea salt spray for volume. These sprays work well with any hair type, so you can go out with that full-bodied look with just a few spritzes.

  • Sunglasses are your best friend.

Let’s face it—as a new mom, it’s rare that you actually get enough sleep at night, and chances are your eyes won’t be able to hide how tired or sleep-deprived you are. And while you can probably cover it all up with some concealer, there’s one beauty hack that can help you disguise those dark circles: a nice pair of sunglasses. Just slip them on and you’ll be ready to take on the world with no one the wiser.

  • Apply some lip gloss.

Lip gloss is that type of product you can run to when you need a quick boost of confidence. Applying a bright shade can add a pop of color to your overall look, even if you’re not wearing any makeup. Alternatively, using neutral shade, such as Sara Happ Lip Gloss, can be used every day to moisturize your lips. Some lip gloss products also provide hydrating and anti-bacterial properties to keep your lips protected.

Being a new mom doesn’t have to mean letting go of your personal appearance. With these quick beauty hacks, you can still look good while taking care of your baby. Just remember to compliment them with good lifestyle habits like drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy diet.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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