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Don’t let potty training be a pain, make it fun with these new potty training tips & tricks! #pottytraining #DGcouponsraining

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We’ve been working with Nia for some time now in getting her potty-trained. She’s been doing so well but yes she still has her moments where transitioning from diapers to pull-ups is bit of a challenging for her. I remember back when I trained my other kids each one was different and yes one of the kids was harder to train than the other. But I tell you this girl is so darn smart that before long I’m sure she will be ditching those diapers completely and wearing her pull-ups every day.

Since we started her on the Huggies Pull-Ups® from Dollar General, she’s been so excited to wear them, it’s so cute to hear her singing around the house “I’m a big girl right mommy”! Since we found the Huggies Pull-Ups® training pants in one of her favorite characters Doc McStuffins,  she hardly ever want to wear a diaper anymore and yes they have a nice selection of characters for your kids like Sophia the First, and Cinderella for the overnight ones. Sizes 2T-3T to Pull-Ups 3T-4T. It’s like the moment she puts on a Huggies Pull-Ups® she has the confidence to conquer anything potty related.

Plus For a limited time you can save $2.00 on Pull-Ups Training Pants with Dollar General DG Digital Coupons.



The Coupon is valid: April 28th – May 19th, 2016

To redeem Digital Coupons:
1. Sign up here  or Text JOIN to 34898 to begin saving today!
2. Create account and load which Pull-Ups® coupons you would like to load
3. Visit your local Dollar General to redeem coupons at checkout. Find a Dollar General near you by using the store locator!


Not only do they work well for her but they’ve given her a feel of peace at night where she doesn’t even want to wear a diaper anymore at night. Do you know you can even take a “Take the Pull-Ups potty- training personalities quiz”? That’s right a Pull-Ups potty training personalities quiz  that will let you know your child’s potty- training personality: the Puppy, the Owl, the Bear Cub, the Turtle or the Squirrel!


We took the quiz just to see what potty-training personality Nia would fit, it stated Nia had a personality like a Puppy. Meaning: No one is more eager to begin potty- training than the Puppy! (OK, except maybe you.) This is a kid who wants to know how the Big Kids use the potty, and we know exactly how to help. Yelp, that’s her all the way she has a very strong, I can do it myself personality!!!

Would you like to know what some of the tricks & games we use to help Nia with potty training:

  1. We sing during potty training time to help relieve any stress she may feel
  2. I set my clock every few hours to remind me to make her potty
  3. We watch a movie or TV show together while she’s on the potty
  4. We reward her with a snack when she goes to potty by herself
  5. We play a potty game with cards and many other games

Don’t forget that you can save $2 on Pull-Ups from @DollarGeneral and that you can also retrieve your coupon on your mobile device here!

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One thing I will say is I really wasn’t sure if she would have a complex about switching from diapers to the Pull-Ups® training pants but so far so good. She’s even gotten to the point that she doesn’t even want anyone to assist her when putting on her Pull-Ups® training pants she go right to the drawer and grab one herself.

Nia really do act like a big girl since the first day she started her potty-training journey. I actually think the Huggies Pull-Ups® had a big impact on her plus she knows that her mommy and daddy are right there with her as she experience this potty journey!


So I pose this question to you, what potty tricks or potty training ways you use to make it easier for your child?


About Pull-Ups®

• Pull-Ups® Training Pants are designed specifically to help teach potty training skills. They look and fit more like underwear, giving your child the independence to slide his pants on and off, while also providing consistency for any learning style throughout his potty training journey.

• The stretchy sides allow toddlers to slide Pull-Ups® Training Pants on and off themselves, teaching valuable skills they can apply later when taking off their pants and underwear to use the potty.

• You may be tempted to use diapers while potty training because they’re more familiar to you, but resist the urge. Toddlers thrive on consistency and diapers don’t teach potty training skills like Pull-Ups® Training Pants do.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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