Home & Garden

Checking Your Charm – A Spotlight On Rustic Chic Interior Design

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 Giving your interior a new lease of life is an exciting time for any homeowner. You suddenly look at your home as a blank canvas, a space to express yourself and put your own stamp on the interior of your home. With so many different styles to choose from, choosing one style can be a difficult decision. You want a sophisticated, elegant look but you also want something that brings in natural tones and materials to give a cozy, warm vibe to your home’s interior.

For homeowners who are caught between a slick looking interior and something with more of a country feel, rustic home décor can be the perfect solution. To pull off this appealing design style, match modern with rustic to bring a completely new feel to your home. Use warm colors, textured and printed upholstery fabric, repurposed furniture, and natural surfaces to bring that rustic feel into your home while maintaining an elegant and well-polished finish.

Continue reading to learn how you can turn your home into a rustic chic living space that everyone will enjoy.

 Color Schemes

There are plenty of colors to choose from when you want to use rustic chic as your design style. Typical colors to use with rustic chic are warm neutral colors. A light grey or white is an excellent choice because it matches well with accent colors. The accents replicate earth-based hues of light brown such as sand and quieter greens, like sage. You can also add some additional details with the best rustic fonts out there

 Minimalistic Quality

Another design element that works well with the rustic chic style is to use quality over quantity, but also to be simplistic and minimal. Since this is how true nature lives, the concept works well in the home. By minimizing “stuff”, you have less clutter and can highlight more natural wood that is well crafted and grounding. A wooden framed sofa or bed frame has a natural charm to it that will stand the test of time.

 Natural Materials

One of the charms of the rustic chic design is the fact that it is simple and charming. It shows a less confusing and more straightforward life. Use design elements such as natural wood, the more imperfect, the better. You can also incorporate stone and non-industrial metal to add in the rustic look of an older metal fence into a contemporary area. Antique pieces from second-hand stores work well as they give a worn look that the rustic chic design appeals to.

 Repurposed Items

 Using items for things that they were not purposed for initially is the cornerstone of rustic chic. Since it has a simple feel, using these items for other purposes makes your design appealing to minimalists. Using pallets to create a wine rack is a great way to showcase your wine as well as recycle the natural wood in your home.

Refinished Pieces

The last way you can make your home feel rustic chic is by placing refinished pieces within the area. Refinishing an older item offers sustainability as well as shows your creativity, just as repurposing does. Pick up an older piece of furniture or a chest and refinish it. Doing so will transform it into the highlighted focal point of your room.

How Do I Incorporate Rustic Chic Into My Home?

 If you are looking to transform your home into a peaceful and inviting area, you need to look at using the rustic chic design style. Many ways to do this will be inexpensive to you if you are willing to put a little work into refinishing and repurposing some older pieces from a thrift store. They will give a simplistic feel that is a shout out to nature and her beautiful landscapes.

You can incorporate design elements such as natural light colors as well as earthy materials including stone, wood, and metal. Use as few pieces as possible to have a focal point and to keep a minimalistic view without clutter. Lastly, enjoy the process, as it will transform your home into a nature wonderland for as long as you wish to keep the style.



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