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Health & Fitness

Benefits of Common Herbs

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Herbs have made a comeback in medicine cabinets of millions in the recent few decades, especially with the growth of the Internet and expansion of knowledge available to everyone. Some common herbs include lavender, tea tree oil, tulsi, basil, kava, turmeric, St. John’s Wort, and so many more. You can get most of these herbs in mix form from the store such as instant kava. Herbal remedies and plant medicine are still growing in popularity, and rapidly, as they aren’t regulated like pharmaceuticals are.

Herbal remedies have also been around for thousands of years, so there is a large body of research, however informal it may be by comparison. While choosing a natural option is preferred by many, it’s always a good idea to check with your healthcare provider to ensure safety of consumption and use. Some herbs interact with pharmaceuticals, so using them with precaution is advisable. Still, herbal remedies provide a wide array of symptom relief for millions everyday, all across the world, with great success. A few benefits of common herbs are:

  1. Headache and migraine relief. Several herbs such as lavender, peppermint, tea tree oil, turmeric and more are common aids in headache relief. Headaches can range in pain levels and severity, but are most often a nuisance to the sufferer. More serious cases, like migraines, can be quite debilitating, and there is research and experience of many that have experienced near immediate benefit from applying peppermint oil, lavender and consuming turmeric powder to quickly relieve headaches and migraines. There are also a tremendous amount of health benefits of herbal tea, and headache relief is one of them.
  2. Relieving arthritis pain. Relieving arthritis pain with a natural and side-effect free option may come as a welcomed solution for millions of people. Arthritis can be exasperated with weather changes, stagnation and a variety of inflammatory causes. Herbal remedies that can provide long-lasting relief to this painful experience are ones such as turmeric, lavender, holy basil and more.
  3. Stress, inflammation and anxiety. Holy basil is such an herb that helps directly relieve these types of symptoms. Some of the holy basil benefits are experienced by drinking a delicious tea made of the ancient herb. While some herbal remedies are better used with a topical application, others are best utilized in the manner of consumption. Doing some preliminary research and knowing what methods are best for symptoms you frequently experience or are challenged with, and having some herbal remedies on hand could make all the difference in your quality of life. Stress, inflammation and anxiety are part of living, but it doesn’t have to be a frequent or controlling set of experiences.

What are some common symptoms you experience, and how can your life be improved by incorporating herbal remedies into your toolkit? If you experience headaches, arthritis, migraines, stress, anxiety, or any other symptoms frequently, perhaps you’ll benefit greatly from sipping delicious herbal tea. Not only is it simple and widely available and accessible, most herbal tea is quite pleasing to smell and drink. Please remember to check with your healthcare provider before incorporating any herbal options into your healthcare routine, safety first!



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