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7 Businesses That You Can Start With a Small Investment

Following on the heels of the pandemic, the Great Resignation and ‘Lie Flat’ movement reflect the current sentiments of the corporate class. People are quitting their jobs to pursue their passion or find a new job that offers better pay and a flexible work environment. And thanks to the emerging remote work trend, people are leaving their condos and starting a new life far away in the suburbs.

If you too are looking for a fresh start in your career but don’t have enough capital to invest, here are 7 scalable business ideas that can get you off to a great start.

Life Coaching

Life teaches all of us, but some of us are better learners than others. If you can see what others can’t, and if you believe that you have a gift that can help people succeed in their career or relationships and discover the true meaning of happiness, life coach as a career might be your thing. Start with a Youtube channel and venture into live sessions after you build a sizable audience.


If you have what it takes to become a photographer but haven’t explored because you were stuck in a 9 to 5 cycle, then chances are you already have a camera and a couple of lenses to start with. So, technically, you don’t need any investment. All you need is a little bit of courage to follow your passion. In case you are skeptical, always remember that regrets are more painful than failures.   

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a booming industry, and payouts are great. If you understand how SEO works, you can start your own agency with just a laptop and Internet access. Digital marketing is in huge demand, and you can earn your first few clients by reaching out to local businesses or finding B2B clients on LinkedIn or other platforms. 

Handmade Crafts

From a business perspective, handmade crafts can turn out to be a profitable venture if you can market your products well. Find a niche product and figure out how you can make it better than competitors. As far as initial investment goes, buy your supplies from wholesale vendors. For example, if you want to start a soap-making business, you can purchase a wide range of molds and supplies from Elements Bath & Body at wholesale prices. 

Pet Sitting/Dog Walking

People love their pets more than their own life, and they go out of their way to make sure their pets are healthy, safe, and happy. If you love to spend time with dogs, you can turn it into an income source by offering pet sitting or dog walking services. There are people who have built a full-time business out of their love for dogs, while some keep it as their side gig.  

Cloud Kitchen

If you love to share your cooking with friends and family, you might want to consider cooking for everyone in the neighborhood and make money. A cloud kitchen means you can cook in your existing kitchen and let your customers have their food picked up or delivered to their doorstep. The fastest way to get clients is to register your kitchen with Uber Eats or other delivery services. 

Build an Audience

In today’s digital age, attention is the new currency and people are minting it like crazy. If you have a talent that you can showcase on Instagram or Youtube, you can build an audience, which you can monetize in more ways than one.


Becoming your own boss is a great feeling, but it’s not always sunshine and a bed of roses. But if you stay consistent in the face of adversity, you are bound to succeed, scale and inspire.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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