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5 Tips on How to Succeed at Online Dating.

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Struggling with online dating? If you are, then know you’re not alone. Online dating is a tough world. And its rules are slightly different from that of offline dating. Not to mention, it’s a lone hunter’s game. There’s no “wingman” or “blind date friend” to set you up. However, to succeed at online dating is a possibility. You can achieve that, by following the 5 tips below!

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#1 – Have Your Priorities Straight.

Are you dating online to find a short-term fling? Or are you doing so for a long-term relationship? This really matters, because your priorities affect how you present yourself. They also affect your online dating strategies.

Example #1 – Networks for Quick Hookups.

Those networks are for short flings. There are ones like Tinder. Regardless of their quality, it’s hard finding a marriage partner there. On the other hand…

Example #2 – For Serious Couples.

You have a website like dating.com – where more serious prospects exist. You can check it out yourself. You can read dating.com review experiences on how people found lifelong matches.

The Point Is…

Define what you want. Then find the websites that fit that purpose. And speaking of websites…

#2 – Try More Than One Site.

To succeed at online dating, you need to spread your efforts.

 You can’t just try and settle at a single website. Especially since you might not find the best match for you there. Try different ones, which again – match your intentions. 

How So?

The main websites you use have competitors. Research those, and see what they have to offer. Some might be better. Some might be worse. But the point is, you’re not putting your efforts into a single basket – then hoping for replies. That never works. You need to refine how you present yourself to succeed at online dating.

#3 – You Need Grit.

Expect to go days without getting a response from a profile you like. Even worse, you might get messaged by profiles you don’t like. Thus, online dating sometimes can feel like a random chance game. But it isn’t… 

It’s a game of endurance. Stick through long enough, and you’ll find the best match for you. Because if you get hesitant, you’ll give up too soon. Even worse, you might select an unsuitable match.

But It’s Easier Settling for Lower?

Sure, it is. This is assuming you were shooting too high to begin with. You see, many people try online dating, assuming they’ll find 9s and 10s that want them. Good luck making that a reality. It takes genuine effort to attract the attention of hotter profiles. And that’s because you’re not the only one chasing after them. There’s competition to worry about too. And to beat competition, you need to slowly gain experience doing the right things.

#4 – Be Honest.

Consider it a sub-point of the first tip. With the first tip – you define what you want. Here, you communicate that desire to others.

The Details.

Many people assume that online dating success means being a wordsmith. And while that’s important, being honest is even more important. Why? Because liars are everywhere in the online dating world. And the best way to repel someone is by appearing shady.


Cheap pickup tricks don’t work. Honesty does. However, that doesn’t mean you should be robotically dry. Learn the art of “chat” small talk. It’s necessary, especially when getting to know the other side. There’ll be questions, sharing of experiences, etc.

#5 – Online Dating Should Reflect You.

What do we mean by that? We mean don’t fake a celebrity status. Again, it’s similar to the point of honesty. But here, you reveal who you are as a person, instead of what you’re looking for. This includes how you look, what you work, hobbies, etc.

Well – What if I’m Not Ideal?

Then know that you’ve got to fix yourself offline before going online. Because all “genuine” online dating eventually leads offline. And if you’re different offline, then all your efforts are a waste. After all, no one wants false expectations on how the other person is. Lying from the start is never a good idea. So set yourself straight offline, before venturing online!


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