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5 Big Things To Include In Your Bedtime Routine

Sleep is like your brain’s nightly reboot, clearing away the day that’s been and setting you up for the next. But to wind down properly, it’s important to stay consistent with a bedtime routine. Having a pre-sleep routine — even simple habits, like refilling a reusable bottle to keep by the bed — tells the brain it’s time to slow down, helping you get a better night’s rest. That sleep is what’s going to help you feel more rested, reduce stress and help you feel better overall.

If you’ve been looking to get some decent shuteye and need some inspiration for how to get there, this article explores 4 big things to include in your bedtime routine.


   1. Savour a warm drink

Warm drinks are a good way to help your body relax, especially before bedtime. While it’s good to avoid drinks with caffeine, like coffee or some teas, there’s a few tried and true elixirs that’ll have you snoozing in no time. Opt for a calming herbal tea, like chamomile, valerian root or lavender tea, a warm milk or caffeine-free golden milk made with turmeric. Even sipping on a warm lemon and honey water can be a soothing, pre-bedtime routine to encourage sleep.

Sipping a warm drink can be a good way to wind down before reducing screen time for the night, or to enjoy while reading a book. You can also make your chosen beverage in a reusable cup to help keep it warmer for longer, allowing you to sip slowly and really savor the aromas.

   2. Limit screen time

For many people, watching a TV show or movie, or zoning out on their phone is a comforting part of their evening, helping them disconnect from the day. But it may be doing more harm to your sleep than good. Screens, like TVs, phones, tablets and computers, can stop you feeling tired and ready for bed, creating an unrestful night.

To help prepare your mind and body for bed, it’s a good idea to turn off screens at least one hour before bedtime, but ideally two or three hours before is best. With this time, you can try another relaxing bedtime activity, like reading, journaling, meditating or taking a bath to unwind from the day. By replacing screens with a different enjoyable activity, you’re more likely to stick to the habit.

   3. Create a tranquil environment

Of course, the environment you sleep in has a big impact on the quality of your rest. For the ultimate snooze, make sure your bedroom’s quiet and dark when you get into bed. Having the room be just the right temperature also helps, although being cooler may help you get into a deeper sleep more easily. You also want to avoid any strong scents that may perk you up, opting instead for soothing smells, like lavender, that can help you relax.

When it comes to where you lay your head, investing in a good mattress and comfortable bedding will more than pay for itself. Flannelette sheets can help keep you warm in the cooler months, while bamboo cotton is great for when the weather heats up. It also helps to choose calming colors, like blue, natural greens or neutral tones to help set the perfect mood for sleep.

   4. Stretch it out

The more relaxed you are and can get before bed, the easier you’ll find it to drift off to sleep and stay that way until morning. If you find you’re a little achy or stiff at the end of the day from sitting or standing, stretching can help you loosen up your muscles for bedtime.

Bedtime yoga or even a few gentle stretches within 30 minutes of bedtime can help you calm your mind and body. Even a few head and neck rolls, arm stretches and gently bending over before you hop into bed can make a big difference. There are some great videos online you can watch to help guide you if you need some ideas. You don’t need to spend long to feel the benefits; even one or two minutes can work wonders.

   5. Consistency is key

The best way to ensure a good bedtime routine is with small steps that you stick to, as forming habits, like a bedtime routine, doesn’t happen overnight. It takes consistency, doing the same things every night for an extended period of time, and finding what works best for you. Eventually, you’ll fall into your bedtime routine rhythm without even thinking about it, helping you get better sleep long-term.

If you’re finding it hard to get started, try setting alarms to remind you to start winding down in the evening. Remember, even small changes can make a big difference in your sleep quality, including falling asleep and how many hours of sleep you’re getting. With that good night’s sleep, you’ll wake up with a renewed pep in your step, ready to take on whatever the day brings you. Sweet dreams!


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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