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4 Mistakes To Avoid When Planning An Out-of-Town Wedding

Are you planning a wedding, but you’re not sure where to start? It may feel at the moment that you’re making mistakes and you’re prone to second-guessing your choices, but try to calm down and remember that you aren’t alone.

Destination weddings are unique. Planning can be nerve-wracking, but don’t worry because this page covers the common mistakes couples make when planning an out-of-town wedding and how to avoid them.

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Not Considering the Legalities

Are you planning a wedding that’s not just out of town but out of the country? If so, you must consider the legalities of weddings in that country. It’s vital if you want a legal wedding, not just a symbolic one. 

You have to research where you want to get married since every country has different requirements regarding the legal aspect of weddings. Each place has its own rules when it comes to witnesses, timelines, a requirement for blood tests, document translations, and many more. Be aware and prepared for this when you book. 

In the U.S., the legalities for destination weddings are a bit different than those of traditional weddings. Every state has regulations regarding marriage licensing, and no universal law governs marriage in the United States. Depending on your desired location, you may have to acquire a license from the local county clerk or courthouse before planning your wedding. 

In most cases, one of the spouses must be a state resident to obtain a license, so make sure you plan ahead and check with your local government for all requirements. Additionally, some states may have residency requirements or waiting periods that could delay the process of obtaining a marriage license.

In addition to licensing requirements, you may also need to consider obtaining an officiant for your ceremony if the local regulations don’t allow for self-uniting marriages. Most states require all marriages to be performed by a licensed or ordained minister of religion, so it is important to be aware of any requirements in your destination state.

When it’s time to tie the knot, Australia has many stunning destinations to choose from. Whether they’re beachfront ceremonies in Queensland or romantic vineyard weddings Newcastle, couples can make their dream wedding come true Down Under. However, before you say “I do,” there are certain legal requirements that must be met in order to make your wedding legally binding.

In Australia, the legalities of a destination wedding depend on the state or territory you’re getting married in. It’s important to check local marriage laws and requirements before making any arrangements. Generally, you’ll need to provide certain documents, such as birth certificates and proof of identity, when applying for a marriage license. It’s also important to note that the minimum age for a legally binding wedding in Australia is 18 years old.

You’ll need two witnesses over eighteen to sign the documents and be present at your ceremony, so make sure to factor this into your plans. Additionally, it’s recommended that you lodge the necessary documents with the local authority at least one month before your ceremony to avoid any last-minute issues.

Not Giving Out Enough Destination Info

Planning a wedding is stressful, but so is traveling. If you don’t travel often, it may seem that there are always new restrictions and rules at the airports and immigration. No matter how over the moon you are about your wedding, understand that your guests may get stressed at times, and since you’re their “main contact” about the destination, they’re most likely to bombard you with numerous questions. 

If you want to lessen these questions, it would be best to be highly detailed on the wedding website you’ll create with important information. This can include transportation options from airports to the hotel, the things guests can do while in the area, tipping practices, currency rates, local tourist traps, and many more. 

Adding this extra information can make your guests less inclined to ask for your assistance, and you can enjoy the moments before your wedding day. 

Purchasing a Dress That Doesn’t Travel Well

It’s unfair for the bride to settle on a different style than you dreamed of for your wedding. But we must face the reality that you are flying to reach your wedding destination, and naturally, the dress will need to go with you. 

Most travel airlines have no problem allowing brides to place their dresses in garment bags on airplanes. However, a large ball gown with thick fabrics would be too much of a hassle for you and the airlines, making it not the best choice to travel with.

No Backup Plans

The reality is that weather is never a guarantee. You can analyze and check weather patterns for weeks, but Mother Nature ultimately determines the weather on your wedding day. Weather is one thing you can’t control, but there’s no use stressing over it. 

It’s the way of nature, the natural balance of the world. But don’t worry because you can prepare a backup plan for your reception and ceremony in case the weather becomes too unpredictable on that day.

Many couples need to realize the importance of a backup plan. If you want to avoid future meltdowns, consult with your wedding coordinator about what backup options and plans they may have. Like how you consulted with your original venue, ask for photos and details to help you envision the place. 

There were some instances in the past when brides were happy that the original plan had bad weather, causing them to move the wedding to the backup plan. Many brides were happy and said it was better than their original plan, so you never know. 

Final Thoughts

There are so many things that can go wrong when planning a wedding and the wedding itself. But educating yourself on the mistakes that previous couples have made and ensuring that you avoid them is the best way to keep your wedding drama-free. 


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