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2018 Baby Gift Guide featuring Teach My Baby Learning Kit. @teachmy

Welcome to our 2018 Baby Gift Guide. For the next few weeks we will be showcasing some awesome “Baby Must Have” gift ideas for your little one. You will see a range of products in all categories along with links for you to lean more or purchase any of these items.

When it comes to education having a good educational leaning tool should be a most! No matter how young your baby may be this awesome Teach My Baby Learning Kit would make a great gift for her or him!

One thing that we all can agree on is that it is never too early for your baby to start learning! While their mind is being molded, it is actually the best time to teach them the foundation of some of the early things they need to know. While we were growing up, there was Sesame Street! Now, say hello to the Teach My Baby Learning Kit. The Teach My brand has put together an amazing kit that covers so many things that your baby will have fun leaning and subliminally sticking this information into their mind.

Inside this kit you will find building blocks that teach babies about their bodies. Highlighting their eyes, mouth, nose, eyes and teeth! There is also puzzle pieces that teach your baby sounds by referencing animals that make the sounds. 3-for-1 because now your baby will learn shapes, animals and the sounds they make! To go along with the animals there are little puppets that will allow you to make learning more fun! Teach My has added in flash cards to teach numbers and a couple of common first words for your baby, first words other than mama and dada of course!

With all this material for learning Teach My has also added a book for every segment! Start your little one’s library off with teaching them essentials!


This amazing kit is available at Target for the low price of 22.99! This is one of the best deals I’ve seen in a long time. The quality and quantity of material for your baby makes this something that should not be passed up!

Well, how about it! What a great educational gift to gift to your new bundle of joy. Visit Teach My today and start preparing your youngster!

Don’t forget to like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and Pinterest, and subscribe to their YouTube channel for all the latest news and promotions.


Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

17 thoughts on “2018 Baby Gift Guide featuring Teach My Baby Learning Kit. @teachmy

  • Boy, they have come out with some great kid’s stuff….and it’s educational as well…how great. Though, one day, I may be a grandmother again (my is 11 years old)….I’m keeping this in mind.

  • It is never too young to start teaching children. These are good tools to do that.

  • As the mother of a baby who turned one today and is due again in July, I would be thrilled to receive this as a gift.

  • This is adorable! I may get one for my housekeeper who just had a baby!

  • These looks like a great little line of teaching products. 😀 Super cute and good gift ideas.

  • I love early learning kits for our little ones. They can learn so much at a young age and I love taking advantage of this. I also like how fun it is while learning. Thank you so much for sharing these

  • This is a nice looking learning set.

  • What a fun way to make learning enjoyable. I just read to my child after she was born but this would have been nice to have!

  • This would be perfect for my youngest.

  • These products sound amazing. I wish they was around when my kids was little

  • These are really great! My kids watched Baby Einstein videos when they were little.

  • The Teach My products are undeniably the best! My son was having small issues in Kindergarten but once we started with the Teach My Kindergarten he got back on track and he excels now. This would be the best gift for friends and family!

  • I am a mom to a 3 & 4 year old, I know they would learn and enjoy the Teach My Baby!

  • I have always heard that babies learn more in the first few years of life and keeping them stimulated is very important. I wish these products were around 35 years ago

  • I really love the Teach My line of products! I have a preschooler and a toddler, and they both can benefit from their items. I love the yoga mats and the learning tools.


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