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2016 Holiday Gift Guide Featuring Flip a Zoo, Chuckle Ball & Charm U. #HottestToys

Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.


If you’re seeking to find that great gift for your love one, grab your pen and paper, sit back, and get ready to see some awesome gifts idea for everyone on your list. From now until December 19th the Night Helper Blog will be showcasing some great products. We will make sure to leave you with links to visit every product listed so you can add these items your Christmas List!!


Today we’re showcasing a few hot gifts for the kids from companies like: Jay at Play & Cepia LLC

First we will share FlipaZoo from the company Cepia LLC

flipazooThis adorable toy is not one toy but two! It’s a soft cuddly pillow that has been created to become your children’s favorite companion.


The FlipaZoo’s are so unique because they feature some of the most sought after animals of today. Those characters are as follow a Husky that lips into a Polar Brae, a Unicorn that Flips into a Dragon, A Giraffe that Flips into a Hippo and of course a cat that turns into a mouse like below.

hippo1FlipaZoo can be used as a naptime pillow or just as a play toy for your kids. Jay at Play.com has 8 cute cuddly FlipaZoo’s that can Flip into 16 fun characters. Just sit back and watch your children transform their FlipaZoo and play.

Next we have the Charm U Starter Set-Pet Charms 


Now Charm U is a cute collection of mini pet toys for girls. You daughters can play with these cute pet charms and wear them on their Charm U bracelet. She can customize her bracelet any way she likes by adding how many charms she wishes plus she can purchase more charms when needed.


The Pet Starter Set comes with seven animal charms, one surprise friend, one metal logo charm and a customizable bracelet to hang them on! Adjustable clasps allow the bracelet to fit most wrist sizes. Plus, you get brightly colored backpack to clip almost anywhere! You’ll also get a Charm U collector’s poster and stickers for each charm inside. Watch your collection grow! This pack has Korndawg, Feylene Feline, Sugarshell, Luna Blue, Kisses Kanine, Mrs. Finch, Bloofus, and one surprise friend!

On to our last hottest toy for the guide, it’s the Chuckle Ball.

I remember years ago when this ball came out, I first saw it at FAO Schwarz Store in Chicago. I was fascinated seeing this ball flip around but now Chuckle Ball has been created to add a new twist with its cute little characters that come to life with every bounce of the ball! Chuckle Ball™ encourages moving, crawling, hopping, dancing, jiggling and giggling! The moment your little one sees this colorful Chuckle Ball they will be jumping for joy Christmas morning.

cepia-chuckle-ball-crazy-motorized-ptru1-23919447dtThis cute ball will entertain your children for hours and can be purchased at many retail stores like Toys”R” US, Amazon, and coming soon to Target. Once again this toy is a part of the Cepia toy line.

Well what do you think about these Hot Toys from Jay Play & Cepia LLC? I think they would make great gifts under the tree this Holiday and I’m sure every boy and girl will enjoy them.


Disclosure:  I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company above and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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